1. Parallels For Mac Big Sur

Parallels recently released version 16 of its Parallels Desktop solution. The most important update is that it now also supports the most recent version of macOS Big Sur.

The Parallels Desktop solution enables application developers to support operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS applications and virtual machines (VM’s) on Apple’s macOS operating system. This way, developers can build and test their applications on just about any OS with their MacBook.

Parallels desktop 14 big sur 起動しない

The most important update in version 16 is support for macOS Big Sur. According to the software developer, this was a challenge because with the introduction of Big Sur third-party kernel support for macOS is a thing of the past. This means that the software developers of Parallels were forced to put a lot of work into finding a workaround.

Other functionality

最新发布! 在 Mac 上运行 Windows Parallels Desktop 16 for Mac. 更适合最新 Windows 10 更新、macOS Catalina 和 macOS Big Sur 11; 玩 PC 游戏,并运行要求苛刻的图形软件.

In addition to Big Sur support, Parallels Desktop 16 also offers other new functionality. For example, the latest version supports 3D Metal applications when running a macOS Big Sur VM on a macOS Big Sur host.

Parallels Desktop 14 Big Sur

Printers can also be shared between the host and VM’s for multiple operating systems and zoom and rotary motion is supported for multitouch trackpads for Windows applications. Parallels Desktop 16 is designed to deliver better performance, including up to two times faster boot times and twenty percent more performance in DirectX and up to 75 percent faster ‘git status’ in Linux VM’s. With enhanced support for newer versions of OpenGL, it is now also possible to run Windows applications in a VM via Parallels.

End-users of the Pro Edition can now name their custom networks and export VM’s in a compressed format that, Parallels claims, is only a fraction of the size of the VM before compression. Furthermore, a plug-in has been added for Microsoft Visual Studio to facilitate testing in different operating systems.


  1. Parallels Desktop 被称为 macOS 上最强大的虚拟机软件。可以在 Mac 下同时模拟运行 Win、Linux、Android 等多种操作系统及软件而不必重启电脑,并能在不同系统间随意切换。最新版的 Parallels Desktop 16 (PD16) 完美支持最新的 macOS Big Sur 并对 Windows 10 特别优化!可不重启直接在 Mac 系统上运行 Win10 UWP 通用应用.
  2. ☛ Get Parallels Desktop 16 For Mac - how to get Parallels Desktop 16 on Mac. Get Parallels Desktop 16 for free from t.
  3. Parallels engineers have been putting thousands of hours into Parallels Desktop 16 for Mac development and testing to make sure it fully supports macOS 11 Big Sur. Most of issues we ran into have been resolved, some have workarounds, and there are just few we’re still working hard on to resolve.
  4. This was the first time I was running Parallels on Big Sur 11.1, and it restarted the computer immediately. When I moved from Catalina to Big Sur, I realized the need to install Parallels 16.0 but it worked with no issues on Big Sur 11.0.

Parallels For Mac Big Sur

Parallels Desktop 16 is now available. The standard version is a one-time purchase and costs 99.99 dollars. The Pro and Business Edition both cost 99.99 dollars as an annual subscription. Upgrading from Parallels 14 and 15 to version 16 requires a one-time charge of 49.99 dollars for the standard version.